

On December 6, 2010, Ron's Faith Notes focused on the "Unstoppable Gift." That message birthed a year-long effort to invite believers to make "live to give" more than a slogan. These testers will show us all what the giving God is really like.

The box below keeps a running tally of the number of believers who have committed
to be the unstoppable gift, to live to give.


In keeping with the selfless focus, your name will not be made public. You will be able to, at any time, share your "unstoppable gift" stories (without names, please).

When you accept this challenge, you are promising to seek opportunities perpetuate God's unstoppable gift. The unstoppable gift is a heart habit that begins with God and moves through you to someone else. The receiver might be an out-of-work neighbor, a discouraged friend, a stressed older person in the line at the grocery store, a single mother, or a total stranger with lonely eyes and a hopeless heart.

This is more than feeding the hungry or sheltering the homeless. It's not based on who deserves it; it's based on the heart of the giver.

In the spirit of a disclaimer, this is not a program, nor is it a funding request, or a promotional campaign. It's a simple grassroots challenge to join with others in experiencing life the way it was meant to be lived, to be the gift.
